What is this Facial Analysis service Erin is offering?  Facial analysis, in the determination of tissue salt deficiencies, was developed by an avid follower of Dr. Schuessler, by the name of Kurt Heckethier. This associated distinct facial signs of deficiencies that were considered to be directly linked to specific tissue salt deficiencies. Once corrected, one notices a great increase in vitality and appearance improves on all levels because of the deep level of cellular healing 

You can find out more by checking out this three-part podcast with Tim Goyetche of the Goyetche Institute:

Wait: Do you Drink?

If you are currently drinking alcohol…this program may not be for you; not for more than 2 drinks a week. The reason is that the highly powerful trace minerals are excreted through urine up to 48 hours after alcohol is consumed.

Digital Photographs, For Face Analysis?

So how do we analyze the face?  Using high quality photos like the ones seen below.  The image quality should be consistent with standards of high-definition digital photography.  However — and we cannot stress this enough — DO NOT USE CELL PHONES to take these analysis photos.  There is built-in image biasing and filtering which will distort the analysis.  Even a GoPro camera (in Photo mode) will suffice, as seen in the below example photos.

Example Photos:

Still curious to learn more?  Or even set up an an appointment with Erin?  Fill out the intake form