We Teach True Yoga
We recognize the seat of the teacher as sacred and we are here to guide our students back to themselves. We know posture practice is just the tip of the iceberg and we incorporate elements of all the limbs of yoga when we teach. We reflect our evolving “mastery” of the yoga ethics by leading the example for others to see and hear.

We Are Mindful
With our ‘leave life at the door’ policy, Thrive Yoga & Fitness is always our happy place where we are able to focus on our students, their experience, and creating a warm and inviting atmosphere conducive to the yoga/healing journey. We treat everyone at Thrive with respect and kindness because we know that positivity creates more positivity. While at the studio our actions and words are always in the best interest of the community and studio.

We Are Compassionate
Have an open heart, be open-minded, listen genuinely, and be sensitive to what others are feeling with a true intention to understand their needs and where they are coming from. We do this with each other and our students.

We Are Committed to the Practice
We are committed to our yoga journey and we know that if we are not doing yoga practice ourselves, we are not teaching from a place of true wisdom. We leave it on the mat so we can show up fully in our lives, for our students, and for each other.

We Have Integrity
Earn the trust of others by communicating honestly, respectfully and with transparency. Give honest feedback and communicate efficiently. Have the ability to examine yourself objectively and use any constructive criticism to grow. If a situation arises – as they do – we communicate directly with the person involved kindly, respectfully, and clearly to avoid miscommunication. We are not into drama.

We Cultivate Positivity
We believe in the healing power of love, compassion, and positivity. We believe that having a positive and motivating culture is of the utmost importance. We understand the power of a strong culture and the impact it has on every aspect of each other, students, and community.

ERIN GERAGHTY:  Studio Owner & Lead Instructor

“I teach emotional alchemy. Anyone can do this work, but those who have compounded sorrow have the strongest reasons to go inward. Those are my people.”

Erin Colleen Geraghty is a dynamic teacher with a unique blend of wisdom, compassion, and practicality.  She embraces a holistic approach to learning while integrating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being into her teachings.

She helps students navigate deep subconscious patterns, breaks down complex concepts into relatable terms, and shares transformative tools with practical application.  She guides students to transmute pain and suffering into love and compassion, believing those who have suffered and walks through their own darkness can be great alchemists.

Erin is an E-RYT 500, Certified Life Coach, established Podcaster, Author, and Yoga studio owner for more than a decade.  She believes in continuous learning and growth, and leads Retreats, Trainings, Certifications, and Workshops to local, national, and international students.  She is a sought-after presenter as her passion, charisma, humor, and ability to really see people gives her a unique and incredibly valuable skill set.

You can find her at:


I am humbled by the master teachers I continue to study and learn from, and by my students who keep me on my toes. ~ Always a student, with gratitude and blessings, Angela” 

E-RYT 500, YACEP, Angela Simone has been practicing, studying, and teaching yoga for 25+ years. She has a passion for teaching and is influenced by Anusara, Iyengar and Ashtanga lineage. 

Her classes reflect a fusion of these alignment-based practices, and her attention to detail in every pose gives the practitioner the self-awareness to tap into and hone their own strength, power, inner guidance, and balance, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Angela is loved by her students for her kindness and love of teaching.  She believes Yoga is a self-healing practice which provides benefits on many levels, and is a path to inner peace and joy. 



Nytza came to yoga in 2010 because it kept lingering back pain and migraines at bay.  Then, yoga took a backseat when life “got in the way”, but she found herself drawn to it again in mid-2020 after multiple personal challenges.  The second time around, she embraced yoga beyond the physical practice, and dove into the mind/body connection and discipline.  She enrolled in Thrive’s 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in 2021 to deepen her knowledge, and never looked back. 

Instructing has become a wonderful growing experience for her, as she continues to learn every day from her peers and mentors.  She loves sharing the same mind-body connection and spirituality that helped her, with a side of light-hearted fun, to the practice. 




Jackie’s long-time passion for yoga led her to Thrive’s 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in 2019.  She is a nature lover, a USF graduate in Health & Wellness Coaching, and earned her Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Instruction in 2017.  She strives to create a welcoming space for her students, guiding them through their practice, while connecting body and breath.  She teaches Thrive Beach Yoga on beautiful Anna Maria Island, offering creative Vinyasa-based, beginner friendly flows.  Jackie has fallen in love with Sound Healing and recently became certified in Integral Sound Healing.  Promoting a deeper mind-body connection, she integrates the powerful vibrations into her weekly Yin classes, providing a transformative experience. 





Crystal was drawn to yoga in 2019 when she found herself in a whirlwind of anxiety and stress. Having trouble regulating her emotions, she began practicing yoga at home and attended her first 108 Sun Salutations with Thrive Yoga & Fitness, sparking a deeper yoga journey through Thrive’s 200-Hour and 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings.  Crystal enjoys the practice of yoga, on and off the mat, meditation, working out (specifically HIIT classes) and most recently, running. Crystal prides herself on being accountable to herself and to those who need extra support.  With a deep passion for teaching and inspiring others, her classes will leave you feeling empowered and moving toward the best version of YOU. 





Elise is a reiki energy healer and the newest restorative yoga teacher at Thrive Studio. She has a passion for holding compassionate space for her students to restore their natural state of health in the body, mind and spirit. Through her own yoga and meditation practices, she has been able to reconnect to her sense of ease and presence in everyday life, which has inspired her to want to share these practices with others. Her motivating mantra is Feeling is Healing ❤️‍🩹 Sometimes, just the simple act of breathing into the sensations and allowing them to pass through the body is enough to release them from our system, and restore us to our natural state of peace.





Leona recently moved to Bradenton, FL, from Northeast Tennessee, where she owned her own yoga studio. With a background in Ashtanga-based hot power yoga, Leona has developed expertise in advanced queuing techniques, yoga philosophies, and anatomy. She has been practicing yoga since 2017 and earned her RYT 200 certification in 2018.  Her journey into yoga began as a way to manage anxiety and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, but over time, it has become a source of profound personal growth and healing. In addition to her foundational training, Leona holds a Yoga for First Responders certification, specializing in trauma-informed, job-specific poses and breathing techniques. 

In Leona’s classes, students can expect a dynamic and challenging flow that is both invigorating and accessible to all levels. With a strong emphasis on alignment and breath work, she uses precise and thoughtful cues to guide students safely through each pose. Her classes are designed to help build strength, flexibility, and mental clarity, while also honoring the unique needs of each individual.

For those dealing with stress, anxiety, or trauma, Leona incorporates techniques from her Yoga for First Responders training, offering modifications and poses specifically designed to support emotional resilience and physical well-being. Whether students are looking to deepen their practice, recover from an injury, or find a sense of calm in a busy world, Leona provides a space for connection, growth, and healing.

Leona is excited to bring her passion and expertise to the Bradenton community, offering classes that are both physically challenging and deeply restorative.



Svetlana is a skilled massage therapist specializing in deep tissue and tension pattern release therapies at Thrive Yoga & Fitness. A graduate of the esteemed Sarasota School of Massage, Svetlana is renowned for her exceptional ability to identify and release deep knots and fascial patterns throughout the body. With a keen understanding of anatomy and a compassionate approach, she tailors each session to meet the unique needs of her clients, fostering relaxation and rejuvenation. Svetlana’s passion for holistic wellness and her dedication to helping others achieve balance make her an invaluable addition to the Thrive community, where she is committed to enhancing both physical and emotional well-being through her expert touch.




EMILY RIGGAN, Safe Place 2B Yoga Instructor

Emily can recall as a young girl that she was on a different path than what was expected of her. Curiosity led her down the path to Yoga; but she wasn’t ready to accept everything it had to offer, so she shelved it for a while.  It wasn’t until 2016 that she started practicing regularly and attending the studio in her neighborhood. While in a hip-opening Asana during class, she broke into tears and understood she needed to heal from within, and Yoga was the light that entered that wound. 

She wanted to dig deeper into her practice, so in 2022 she received her 200hr YTT certification at Thrive Yoga & Fitness.  She loves working with children and has worked in the child welfare field for over 20 years, so when the chance for her to teach Yoga at the SafePlace2B children’s shelter in downtown Bradenton, she jumped on the opportunity.  She loves sharing the gift of yoga and providing connection and wholehearted love to those most vulnerable. 



LAURA KITCHING, Studio Manager 

Laura, a native Kentuckian and UK Alumni, initially turned to yoga after being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in 2010.  Her awareness began to shift toward self-care and healing her body naturally, which continues to be a primary focus in her life.  By the end of 2018, she took a leap of faith, left a stressful career in Real Estate, and enrolled in Yoga Teacher Training at Thrive Yoga & Fitness on a journey of self-discovery.  She embodies the mind of a student and is continuously expanding her knowledge.  After completing YTT in 2019, she gladly accepted her role as Thrive’s Studio Manager.  She frequently attends classes with her fellow students, and is happy to support the Thrive Community in any way she can!