I felt so honored to have a spiritual guru of his caliber visit my studio and bless it with his loving kindness energy. What is loving kindness? Well, much like yoga it is a constant practice. We repeat the phrases, “I am well, I am happy, and I am peaceful,” daily and our thoughts become our reality. We start vibrating from this place of love. It’s really quite powerful and goes along with everything I know to be true. It’s like anything. With more practice we become more comfortable and efficient. I was amazed at how something so simple could have such a powerful impact. It also reinforced the power of manifestation. Where we vibrate (for example: love or on the flip-side hate) will determine what and who we bring into our lives. The more we stay in the vibration of love, the more we will look out through that lens and act from that place. We are truly co-creators of our own reality, if we choose to be.
The last little gift the monk gave was an individual blessing. He laid hands on everyone in the room. Suddenly my body felt tingly and then a warm rush and the words, “I love you,” started echoing in my head. I noticed after the blessing everyone was so happy, there were so many hugs to be had, and everything just seemed as it should.
Bhante told me, for future years, Thrive is his stop in Bradenton. If you didn’t catch him this round, please come next time and soak up the loving kindness.