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In today’s episode, Erin talks to about recent work she’s been doing and ideas which came about while working through her own insomnia. 
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Erin Geraghty CPT/ RYT-500 Certified Life Coach Owner Thrive Yoga & Fitness

Excerpts from the episode:

About two weeks ago, my sleep starting getting disturbed. I’ve never been a great sleeper. I always have this routine of rolling around a little bit, get the sheets tangled around my ankle, etc. Then I start thinking, thinking, thinking before I remember this is bedtime and begin taking deep breaths. It was getting longer and longer, laying in bed, not sleeping. I have more clients now so I have less leeway in my schedule as far as self-care. And, one of the number one things is sleep. It reached the point where several nights in a row I slept maybe an hour or two. I have so much sympathy for new parents. Getting that little sleep and having to go about my busy day, and still wanting to perform well – I was just exhausted. (click below to hear the full episode)

Post Author: Matt Murphy

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