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In this episode, Erin discusses Authenticity and the pros and cons to showing up in the world authentically.

Link to the meditation on Insight Timer:

Pro: You feel real. You don’t feel like a fraud.

When there’s no barriers between yourself and the world and your mind isn’t busy with lies or walking on eggshells, you relax into your magnificence.

Con: Not everyone is going to like you. That has nothing to do with you though, it has to do with what they see in you they don’t like in themselves.

Pro: You draw more people to you that are like you, real.
Real people are the best people.

Con: People can judge you more.

Pro: They can also love you more.

You can show what you choose of yourself to people, but you’ll get the same partial picture back. The world is our mirror so we can learn from it.

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Post Author: thriveyogafit