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So I was recently on a local radio show.

I was scared shit-less because I had no idea what that entailed, but I prepared as best I could and I showed up. I didn’t know the questions beforehand, but I surrendered to the experience and trusted my interviewer (a lovely gal named Casey) would steer the ship accordingly.

I’m happy to say…. it was fantastic! We flowed beautifully and I was able to give shout outs to the people I love as well as promote my business.  Listen to the interview here.

One of the points we reflected on quite a bit was manifestation. The turning point for me, for when I really started having my dreams actual use was when I started writing them down, setting up goals to get them done, and mediating to keep my head clear as I navigated the path towards them. I think this is a process that’s highly underrated and seems like a bunch of fluff, but it is the secret sauce to manifestation.

Along with the power of putting pen to paper and taking massive action to achieve your goals, honoring your commitments to yourself, and getting uncomfortable, keeping a clear head is a must and meditation is the perfect tool. How can the universe manifest the correct thoughts when we are unable to focus on what we really want with conviction? Easy, it can’t. Or rather, you get kind of a half-assed version of what you wanted.

So, to recap the formula of manifestation…
1. Prioritize some time to write down your goals
2. Write out what steps you need to make them happen
3. Set dates on your calendar and honor your commitments
4. Keep your head clear with mediation.

Use this formula and watch your dreams propel forward!


Thinking of manifesting an exploration to the spiritual mecca of the world?  Learn more about our yoga retreat to Peru in July 2016!


Journey to Peru

Post Author: thrive_yoga_fitness