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  • Being able to back away from any situation and recognize if it’s true or not.
  • Not being sucked in as often to illusion and if I am, not staying there as long. 
  • It’s challenging to navigate your belief systems. There’s comfort in staying with them and sometimes a sadness that comes from leaving them, which ultimately leads to happiness, but there’s a transition period.
  • Freedom is not fearing your emotions. Knowing that when you go big there’s going to be anxiety and fear and insecurity and going for it anyways
  • Freedom is seeing what you want, allowing yourself to go there. And being cool with the person you are as you navigate. 
  • It takes trust. A knowing the universe has your back. 
  • A willingness to break the constraints of the mind.

In my book Thriving After Addiction I demystify “alternative medicine” practices like yoga & meditation and make them accessible for addicts in recovery. If you prefer, call it a “breathe and reboot” for your true self!

With addiction, there is no space between thought and reaction. You’re a passenger, riding in the backseat of an impulse. Through mindful practices like yoga, meditation and breathing, you create space between the human doing and the human being. You take back the driver’s seat.

Create enough space around your old identity and you’ll see the difference between your addiction and the pain that caused it. With space, you suddenly see that the bark you’ve been staring at, is attached to a tree.

To “be present” create space between the present moment and future moments. Add a beat to breathe between “now” and “next.”

Freedom is loving yourself. What does your freedom look like, what makes you light up?

Post Author: thriveyogafit