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Suyin Nichols, “Love Yourself Lighter,” on Brahmacharya: Non-Excess Overeating, Overindulgence and a Balanced Life

Suyin Nichols author of “Love Yourself Lighter: How to End Your Weight Struggle by Changing the Way You Think,” is our special guest to discuss non-excess and how to love ourselves as we change our habits. We discuss the value of treating everything as if it were sacred and why we move past the point of just enough and into the realm of excess.

We over do so much in our lives. We over do food, sex, work, alcohol, indulgences, and thinking. It’s the more we live in excess that we feel ever more empty and needing.

We find that love is in the details and if we adopt an artful approach to life, we can enjoy life more fully. If we place ourselves a little higher on the priority list, we will find that our lives change for the better and we actually have more energy and time to share with others.

We discuss how Suyin’s book is not your typically weight-loss book. It’s written more like a love letter to yourself. We learn how by changing the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us, we really shift our reality.

We learn how to uncover faulty belief systems that cause us an underlying unease. When we have this unease, typically we cover up that feeling with living in excess, but we don’t really address the cause. If we give every part of ourselves away and only leave scraps for ourselves, we will feel deprived and tend to fill ourselves to excess.

You’ll never take care of yourself or your body if you hate it. When you allow yourself to like who you are, you start to heal. It’s ok to like who you are. It’s ok to give ourselves a higher opinion of ourselves and be grateful.

When gratitude and wonder sit in the heart, there is no room for excess.

In addition to this, Suyin shares some tools we can apply in our daily lives around eating such as the stop light method. She also shares with us some of her daily routines to bring peace and balance in life, and come present.

Post Author: thriveyogafit