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The Yamas and Niyamas: Satya

In this episode Casey and Erin discuss the second Yama, Satya: Truthfulness with special guest and energy worker, Reverend Jayme Westrom. Jayme talks about how to remove emotional blockages from our energy fields and how these blocks can affect our relationships and how we carry ourselves in the world. These energies are stored as frequencies in the amygdala in the brain and if we do not remove or correct these frequencies they can stay with us our entire life.

Casey and Erin continue to dive into truthfulness and its importance in our lives. It takes courage to look at ourselves and question the things we once thought were true, but perhaps are not true for us currently.

Telling the truth or “keeping your side of the street clean” is not always easy.Truth is not always safe, it is good. Sometimes it can leave us shaking in our boots, but ultimately, it makes our lives easier to apply truthfulness as best we can in our daily living.

Jayme shares a story of her son who took a bead from a local metaphysical shop and how she made a choice to turn around and drive back to the store to show her son the importance of telling the truth, as well as taking accountability for our actions.

Later in the show we have Sue calling in from Pathways to Successful Living Seminars. She discusses her story of how we can work through our past experiences by bringing awareness to them and questioning the beliefs we had been carrying with us for decades.

Erin speaks about how inviting truth in helps to carry our character with integrity. Casey chimes in with, “All you have in this world is integrity and that’s all you die with.”

Shedding our outer shell of false illusions is a process, but it’s all in the process of growth so we can continue to be true to who we are now. The more release concepts of the who we think we should be or who we were, we can more authentically step into the light of who we really are.

Post Author: thriveyogafit