If you’ve been to one of my yoga classes, you’ve heard me say this: the mind is the most incredible tool we have.
Our thoughts are the sole dictators of how we feel. Our feelings then cause action or inaction, which ultimately creates our reality. Isn’t that fascinating?
I am experiencing right now in Life Coach and Weight-Loss Coach school just how true this is. I don’t think I’ve ever changed so rapidly in my entire life. The concept seems so simple, and it really is.
There’s a method that exists to where you can not only acknowledge and accept what is in your mind, but you can flip it – like clicking on a switch – disengage all the negative belief patterns. You’ll plant a new seed of positivity. Sure, like any seed, it needs attention, love, and care, but you’re going to know that you created it consciously with love, direction, and passion. You can truly create the life of your dreams and I’m so excited to show you how.
New to Thrive Yoga & Fitness is Transformational Life Coaching, one of the newest and most innovative ways to change your thought and behavior patterns, permanently.
No pills, no tricks. Just an amazing method and knowledgeable coach. This will change your life and open up the universe in ways you only thought possible in dreams.
Curious? Try out one of our life coaching groups.
With love and light,