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I am still riding the high of leading 14 wonderful souls on the retreat of a life time. I led this retreat with Casey Hoffman, author of Restless Souls Peaceful Warriors and some amazing people from my yoga studio. We did yoga everyday, talked about spirituality, shame, anger, our humanity, and basically all the things that most people avoid, we embraced.

Everyday after yoga we bonded with jokes and stories over breakfast, enjoyed lecture on the Yamas and Niyamas, A Course in Miracles, and either Shamanic Healing or Gong Meditation. I had a blast and these gals (and gentleman) were a riot! I think I filled my hug quota within the first hour of waking up because everyone was so light hearted and happy.

One beautiful thing that happened in the retreat that I didn’t even foresee was that, every time one of the group decided to share a painful memory from their past or open up about something in their lives, another person would start to cry or nod their head. As we went around the circle with each share another person’s heart would soften and then they would express how much they needed to hear what the person before them said.

A friend of mine and myself went to an AA meeting a few weeks before. We spoke and shared and he mentioned that even though he believed he didn’t need to come to meetings as much, there might be someone waiting for him to share his story so they could heal. This struck me deeply.

If we ever have any doubts about bearing our souls to the world or if we ever fear rejection, remember there is someone that might be desperately waiting to hear your story, your struggle, or your success.  We do not serve the world by playing it small and hiding.

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Your life is waiting. Are you ready?


Post Author: thriveyogafit