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In this episode, Casey and Erin talk about Yoga Sutras 5-7.

The first Vrttayah Pancatayyah Klista aklistah
There are five kinds of mental modifications which are either painful or painless.

One group of modifications causes us pain one does not.

It is pointed out that they are not divided into painful and pleasurable. Why? Because even so-called pleasurable thoughts may ultimately bring us pain.

An example of a thought that appears painless but ends up painful might be loved turned sour.

An example of a thought that seems painful but ends up serving us is one of anger. If initially we are angry coming into something, but we work through it and on the other side find joy we can see how emotions can fluctuate. I think it’s when we get stuck in them that it causes us chronic pain.

Sutra 7 is direct perception. Seeing something face-to-face,  the situation will change, but we need to reinforce the ethics in our different situations. That’s where it gets a little tricky.

That is why it is so necessary to know the different traps of the mind that we can get pulled into and know that they are definitely there. It’s the human condition.

Different people can say different things. When we fine-tune our good judgment by doing our self work, we are able to decipher if that message is from a place of truth and love and in our best interest. It helps to take the guesswork out.
And I think as teachers we need to speak from a place of integrity and purity as much as possible and trust that our student will be able to take away the important parts of our message.

For example, spiritual awakening and happening through suffering.

Thanks for listening!

Post Author: thriveyogafit